We would like to welcome your student to Northeast High School! If you are new to our county or coming from a private school, you will need to bring in the following documents to begin the process. If you are currently enrolled in a Pinellas County School, you do not need to provide these items.
Items needed to register:
- Original Birth Certificate
- Social Security Card/Number
- Physical Examination Certificate (certificate must have been issued within 12 months prior to enrollment/registration)
- Florida Immunization Record (With all shots required to enter Pinellas County Schools)
- Most Current Report Card and/or Official Transcript
- Two proofs of residency (Ex: Current electric, cable or water bill and/or a copy of a signed lease (must be signed by both tenant and landlord)
- Individual Education Plan or 504 Plan (if applicable)
- Required Form Packet (click to view and print). You may complete this prior to coming to Northeast or fill out the forms at the school.
Click HERE for a link to the Student Assignment resource for registration questions.
- Original Birth Certificate