• OMS Spirit Night at Treasure Island Fun Center 11.1.24 5-8pm.pdf 

    Wally the Warhawk Presents.pdf 

    Title 1 Annual Meeting Flier.pdf 

    TSIC Student Application Flyer 24-25.USE.pdf 

    SPANISH - TSIC Student Application Flyer 24-25.pdf 

    Parent Update for the Week of 10/28/24

    Good afternoon Osceola Middle School Families. This is your principal Derrik Craun your weekly updates.

    Looking ahead to next week, we begin Monday with Boys Basketball Tryouts in the morning at 8:00am.  Girls will try out in the afternoon, from 4:25-5:45pm.  Any student trying out must have all paperwork brought with them to tryouts Monday or have already turned it in for trying out for another sport this school year.  Good luck to our Boys Volleyball team as they continue tournament play to take on Sanderlin at Largo High School at 6pm.Tickets must be purchased by using the GOFAN app and all tickets are $3.


    Wednesday will be our next SAC meeting (Title 1 Annual Meeting) at 5:30pm and PTSA at 6pm in Media Center. Thursday we will distribute quarter 1 report cards during 7th period and we will end our week on Friday with an activity day where we hold grade level award assemblies, our Fundraiser Best Day Ever event for those who qualified and our OMS Pep Rally to see which class earns the OMS spirit stick for quarter 2.  On Friday evening 11/1/24, we will have an OMS Spirit Night at Treasure Island Fun Center from 5-8pm.  Two different deals are available, and a percentage of money spent will be donated back to OMS. Please see attached flyer for all information.

    Parents, don’t forget that we offer free tutoring and enrichment before and after school.  For families who utilize after school ELP, we will temporarily be extending this after school until 5:30 if needed.

    The application deadline window for TSIC has been extended to December 15, 2024. The Take Stock in Children program is now accepting applications from students in grades 6-9.  This program offers a unique opportunity for students who aspire to attend college but face financial challenges. Participants receive a college scholarship, mentoring, and guidance from a dedicated college success coach. Go to the attached flyer to apply.

    Here are other program resources.

    Our OMS Leadership Club will be in week 2 of sponsoring a Food Drive Contest.  The grade level that brings in the most items will earn a dress down day.  In addition, students will earn PBIS points for bringing in non-perishable food items for our food pantry starting on Tuesday.  Drop off will be at the picnic tables in the mornings before school and we can also accept donations at the car circle when you drop off or pick up your child.  We are working on our list of families in need and are up to 25 families.  This is more than last year so we need all the donations as we not only supply the fixings for a traditional holiday meal, but also other food items for the time that students are out of school.  If your family needs a food basket, please contact Michelle Shepard at shepardm@pcsb.org to be placed on the list.

    Here is a list of the most common items needed:


    Mashed Potatoes


    Stuffing Mix

    Green Beans



    Mixed Veggies

    Cream of Mushroom Soups

    FF Onions

    Sweet Potatoes

    Cranberry Sauce

    Cornbread Mix

    Mac n Cheese


    Peanut Butter

    Pasta/Flavored Pasta

    Pasta Sauce

    Rice/Flavored Rice

    Pancake Mix



    Cereal/Pop Tarts

    Canned Tuna

    Canned Chicken

    Cookie/Brownie/Cake Mix

    Canned Fruits

    Hamburger/Chicken Helper

    Spaghetti O's/Ravioli's

    Egg Noodles

    Ramon Noodles

    Black Beans

    Kidney Beans



    Tortilla Shells


    Last, our PBIS focus of the week is to be Responsible and our Fun Friday Tee is to wear class colors for Friday’s Pep Rally (6-White or Gray, 7-Navy or Blue, 8-Red or Burgundy).

    Thank you Chief parents for your support and enjoy the rest of your weekend!

    Looking Ahead:

    10/28/24 – PSAT Makeups for 8th Graders who missed last Thursday

    10/28/24 – Boys Volleyball at Largo High 6:00pm

    10/30/24 -  SAC meeting (Title 1 Annual Meeting) at 5:30pm and PTSA at 6pm in Media Center

    10/31/24 – Report Cards go home 7th period

    11/01/24 – OMS Activity Day, Awards, Pep Rally and Fundraiser Best Day Ever Event

    11/01/24 – Seminole High School Festival

    11/07/24 – Picture Retakes

    11/15/24 – OMS Fall Festival


    In case you missed it:

    We are currently enrolling PTSA members - https://osceolamiddleschool.givebacks.com/store?limit=21&live=true&category=Memberships

    Tickets for our athletic events can be purchase using the GOFAN app.


    We are going to open a clothing closet for students and families.  If you have any gently used clothes both in and out of dress code, and all sizes, we would greatly appreciate those donations.  Areas we are most in need of are Boys Shoes (sizes 8 and up), Girls Pants, Boys Large Shirts (solid color) and Boys Sweatshirts (solid in color all sizes).  We are also looking for personal hygiene products.  If you have any questions about our clothing closet, please contact Kristie King at kingkrist@pcsb.org.

    Parents, please remember that we are not allowing parking on 94th Avenue in front of the school at dismissal as it is not safe to have students crossing in front of buses.  Remember, our front lot is rather small and only for students with accommodations.  Please do not part there to pick up your child as that takes away from those who really them.

    OMS is currently selling advertising banners to promote local businesses! There are several different packages available. I’ve attached a flyer with all necessary information. Please email Shannon Fitzpatrick at fitzpatricks@pcsb.org with any questions. Thank you!

    8th Grade parents, Osceola Fundamental High School is inviting 8th grader students interested in applying to their school to begin registering for shadowing opportunities at OFHS starting Monday, October 28, and taking place every Monday through December 9 (excluding Thanksgiving break).

    Updated HS Programs_2024-2025.pptx 

    OMS AstroSkate Spirit Night 10-25 FLIER.pdf 

    Parent Update for the Week of 10/21/24

    Good afternoon Chief Parents,

    We had a great 3 days returning to school this week as we all enjoyed seeing all our kids back in school. 

    Looking ahead to next week, all 8th graders will take the PSAT assessment on Thursday October 24th.  This assessment has many advantages such as showing Advanced Placement potential for high school course selection, provides a study plan and prepares students for the SAT, provides qualifying scores for dual enrollment, as well as students can earn an Algebra 1 EOC concordant scores.  This is great practice for students and we just encourage everyone to try their best.  On Friday evening, we will have an OMS Spirit Night at AstroSkate from 6-8pm. For $10 per person this includes admission and skate rental and students must be there before 7:30 to be able to stay free for teen night afterwards.  See the flier attached to the email update for more details. A portion of the admission price also goes back to OMS.

    Parents, don’f forget that we offer free tutoring and enrichment before and after school.  For families who utilize after school ELP, we will temporarily be extending this after school until 5:30 if needed.  As Madeira Beach Middle School’s carline temporarily ties up traffic between 4:50 through 5:20, we want to provide that option so parents are not stuck in traffic.

    Beginning Tuesday, our OMS Leadership Club will be sponsoring a Food Drive Contest.  The grade level that brings in the most items will earn a dress down day.  In addition, students will earn PBIS points for bringing in non-perishable food items for our food pantry starting on Tuesday.  Drop off will be at the picnic tables in the mornings before school.  We are working on our list of families in need and are up to 25 families.  This is more than last year so we need all the donations as we not only supply the fixings for a traditional holiday meal, but also other food items for the time that students are out of school.  If your family needs a food basket, please contact Michelle Shepard at shepardm@pcsb.org to be placed on the list.

    Here is a list of the most common items needed:

    Mashed Potatoes


    Stuffing Mix

    Green Beans



    Mixed Veggies

    Cream of Mushroom Soups

    FF Onions

    Sweet Potatoes

    Cranberry Sauce

    Cornbread Mix

    Mac n Cheese


    Peanut Butter

    Pasta/Flavored Pasta

    Pasta Sauce

    Rice/Flavored Rice

    Pancake Mix



    Cereal/Pop Tarts

    Canned Tuna

    Canned Chicken

    Cookie/Brownie/Cake Mix

    Canned Fruits

    Hamburger/Chicken Helper

    Spaghetti O's/Ravioli's

    Egg Noodles

    Ramon Noodles

    Black Beans

    Kidney Beans



    Tortilla Shells


    Just to update you on our Fall Festival, we have rescheduled this event for November 15th.  More information will follow in the oncoming weeks.

    DAP guides were sent home with 8th grade students this last week. If you did not receive one or have any questions, contact Ms. Krupp our 8th grade school counselor kruppk@pcsb.org . Also attached to the email update is a very helpful PowerPoint presentation which provides details for each High School Application program.


    Updated DAP Fair and Discovery Night Dates:

    • Tuesday, October 29th
      North County Fair – Tarpon Springs HS, 6:00 – 7:30 PM
    • Saturday, November 2nd
      All County Fair – Largo HS, 9:00 – 11:30 AM
    • Wednesday, November 6th
      South County Fair – Northeast HS, 6:00 – 7:30 PM


    Our Boys and Girls Volleyball Teams will return to action this week with the boys playing Monday against Dunedin Highland Middle at 5pm and the Girls playing against Carwise Middle at 6pm.  Both games will take place Monday at East Lake High School.

    Last, our PBIS focus of the week is to be Active Learners and our Fun Friday Tee is to wear Red (printed Red Shirts are Okay) in support of Red Ribbon Week.

    Thank you Chief parents for your support and enjoy the rest of your weekend!

    Looking Ahead:

    10/21/24 – Boys Volleyball at 5pm and Girls Volleyball at 6pm @ East Lake High School

    10/24/24 – PSAT for 8th Graders

    10/25/24 – OMS Spirit Night at AstroSkate 6-8pm

    10/30/24 -  SAC meeting (Title 1 Annual Meeting) at 5:30pm and PTSA at 6pm in Media Center

    10/31/24 – Report Cards go home 7th period

    11/01/24 – OMS Activity Day, Awards, Pep Rally and Fundraiser Best Day Ever Event

    11/07/24 – Picture Retakes

    11/15/24 – OMS Fall Festival


    In case you missed it:

    We are currently enrolling PTSA members - https://osceolamiddleschool.givebacks.com/store?limit=21&live=true&category=Memberships

    Tickets for our athletic events can be purchase using the GOFAN app.


    We are going to open a clothing closet for students and families.  If you have any gently used clothes both in and out of dress code, and all sizes, we would greatly appreciate those donations.  Areas we are most in need of are Boys Shoes (sizes 8 and up), Girls Pants, Boys Large Shirts (solid color) and Boys Sweatshirts (solid in color all sizes).  We are also looking for personal hygiene products.  If you have any questions about our clothing closet, please contact Kristie King at kingkrist@pcsb.org.

    Parents, please remember that we are not allowing parking on 94th Avenue in front of the school at dismissal as it is not safe to have students crossing in front of buses.  Remember, our front lot is rather small and only for students with accommodations.  Please do not part there to pick up your child as that takes away from those who really them.

    OMS is currently selling advertising banners to promote local businesses! There are several different packages available. I’ve attached a flyer with all necessary information. Please email Shannon Fitzpatrick at fitzpatricks@pcsb.org with any questions. Thank you!

    8th Grade parents, Osceola Fundamental High School is inviting 8th grader students interested in applying to their school to begin registering for shadowing opportunities at OFHS starting Monday, October 28, and taking place every Monday through December 9 (excluding Thanksgiving break).

    Free Clothes for Kids.pdf 

    2024 Osceola Fundamental High School Shadowing Advertisement.pdf 

    Astro Skate Flier October 11th.pdf 

    Parent Update for the Week of 10/7/24

    Good afternoon Osceola Middle School Families. This is your principal Derrik Craun your weekly updates.

    First, I would like to thank all of our OMS parents and guardians for brining in donations to help our OMS families and staff members who are in need of assistance.  We truly appreciate everyone who was able to bring in food, clothing, hygiene products, cleaning supplies and gift cards to help our fellow Chiefs.

    In addition to us providing clothes for students, Clothes to Kids is now open and providing assistance with no registration needed.  Please see the flier on the email update.  We will continue to collect donations for food and clothes especially men shoes sizes 9 and above and Women’s shoes 9 and above as well as Boys dress code shirts and pants small-large.

    As this Friday is already the end of quarter 1, we encourage our students to finish the grading period strong with their best effort this week.  It is a quiet week in terms of events and please note that our PSAT Assessment for all 8th grade students has been moved back a week to October 15th.

    8th Grade parents, Osceola Fundamental High School is inviting 8th grader students interested in applying to their school to begin registering for shadowing opportunities at OFHS starting Monday, October 28, and taking place every Monday through December 9 (excluding Thanksgiving break). The informational flier is attached to the email update.

    On Friday 10/11 we will have an OMS Spirit Night at Astro Skate from 6pm – 8pm. The cost is $10 per person with a portion of the admission cost being donated to OMS. Please see flyer for additional information. And one last announcement, our Fishing Club event for this month and other have been cancelled until further notice and we will announce when we are able to resume our events.

    Thank you to all parents who were able to attend our SAC and PTSA meetings this week. Parents, if you are not able to attend, we could still use your membership to our OMS PTSA and the link to join is on the email update. https://osceolamiddleschool.givebacks.com/store?limit=21&live=true&category=Memberships

    Last, our PBIS focus of the week is to be Respectful and our Fun Friday Tee is to wear your favorite NFL team Shirt.

    That’s all the announcements for this week. Thank you Chief parents for your support and have a great weekend!

    Looking Ahead:

    10/07/24 – Boys and Girls Volleyball home vs. Seminole Middle 5pm

    10/09/24 – Boys and Girls Volleyball home vs. Fitzgerald Middle 5pm

    10/11/24 – End of Q1

    10/11/24 - OMS Spirit Night 6-8pm at Astro Skate

    10/14/24 – School will be in session (Hurricane Makeup)

    10/15/24 – PSAT for all 8th Grade Students

    10/16/24 – Picture Retakes

    10/23/24 – Makeup Volleyball Game @ Safety Harbor

    10/24/24 – Report Cards go home 7th period

    10/25/24 – OMS Fall Festival

    10/30/24 - SAC meeting (Title 1 Annual Meeting) at 5:30pm and PTSA at 6pm in Media Center

    11/01/24 – OMS Activity Day and Pep Rally


    In case you missed it:

    We are currently enrolling PTSA members - https://osceolamiddleschool.givebacks.com/store?limit=21&live=true&category=Memberships

    Tickets for our athletic events can be purchase using the GOFAN app.


    OMS has a food pantry and we would like to start stocking the shelves.  All nonperishable food items are greatly appreciated.  We provide meals for families during the holiday breaks.  Donations can be dropped off in the front office in the box.  If you or anyone else needs food please contact Michelle Shepard, shepard@pcsb.org any time throughout the year for assistance.

    We are going to open a clothing closet for students and families.  If you have any gently used clothes both in and out of dress code, and all sizes, we would greatly appreciate those donations.  Areas we are most in need of are Boys Shoes (sizes 8 and up), Girls Pants, Boys Large Shirts (solid color) and Boys Sweatshirts (solid in color all sizes).  We are also looking for personal hygiene products.  If you have any questions about our clothing closet, please contact Kristie King at kingkrist@pcsb.org.

    Parents, please remember that we are not allowing parking on 94th Avenue in front of the school at dismissal as it is not safe to have students crossing in front of buses.  Remember, our front lot is rather small and only for students with accommodations.  Please do not part there to pick up your child as that takes away from those who really them.

    For a few other important announcements, the Take Stock in Children Application window is now open. This statewide initiative offers students a pathway to college scholarships and pairs them with volunteer mentors. Qualifications include being on the approved free/reduced lunch list and proof of financial eligibility for students in grades 6-9.  More information is available on the email update.

    OMS is currently selling advertising banners to promote local businesses! There are several different packages available. I’ve attached a flyer with all necessary information. Please email Shannon Fitzpatrick at fitzpatricks@pcsb.org with any questions. Thank you!