• Saturday, April 22, 2023

    Week of April 24 2023 OMS Chiefs Updates.docx 

    Printer Friendly Flyer- MS Science Curiosity Camp 2023.pdf 

    Weekly Update for the week of April 24th

    Good afternoon, Osceola Middle School Families. This is your principal Derrik Craun providing you with your weekly update. 

    Parents, registration for Summer Bridge is now open. I encourage all current 6th and 7th grade students to attend this enrichment opportunity to build skills in math, reading, language arts, science, and social studies. Fun activities include mock trials, hands-on math projects, financial literacy lessons and STEM challenges.

    Breakfast and Lunch will be provided. The link to register is:  https://reservation.pcsb.org/ and on the email update as well as our school website. Summer Bridge takes place from June 5th through June 29th Mondays through Thursdays from 8am until 2pm. If you are having difficulty registering, please call our front office during school hours and we can assist.

    Looking ahead to the upcoming week, we will be holding our last SAC and PTSA meetings for the school year this Wednesday with SAC at 5:30 and PTSA following right after at 6pm.  All families are welcome any time.  Thursday will be our end of year Music Concert here at 6pm.

    Parents, outside food, unless it is made at home, is not permitted during the day.   Students should also finish their specialty drinks before entering campus each morning.

    8th grade parents, as we are coming closer to the end of the school year, we want to let you know that we do not have a graduation ceremony for middle school.  We will have an awards ceremony that students and families will be invited to on May16th.

    6th grade parents, we hope that you have contacted your child’s doctor’s office to schedule their Tdap immunization for entry into 7th grade.  Once you have the new immunization form, you can send it to the front office.

    Fishing Club – Old Salt Kids Fishing Slam Friday, April 28, 5-8pm: Madeira Beach Recreation Complex, 200 Rex Place, Madeira Beach – All are welcome to join!

    We need your help! To make busing more efficient for students in the 2023-24 school year, we are asking all families to let us know their transportation needs by completing a short Transportation Ridership form. 

    The form is available in your parent FOCUS account and can be accessed at www.pcsb.org/transportation. Depending on your student’s transportation eligibility status, you will be prompted to indicate if you need transportation in the morning, afternoon or not at all. This process should only take one minute to complete. 

    Your participation is greatly appreciated! We ask that you complete the form as soon as possible.  

    PCS Food & Nutrition Department is surveying students to find out their favorite lunch items and potentially update future menus. Please encourage your child to take the Food & Nutrition Lunch Survey. They can access it in Clever or by using this link on my email update: https://survey.k12insight.com/r/PCS_Student_Lunch_Preferences . This survey closes on April 28th so now is the time for students to provide their input.

    This Friday’s Fun Friday Tee will be to wear a tie die shirt and our guidelines for success focus on being responsible.

    That’s all the announcements for this week. Thank you parents for your support and have a great weekend!

    Saturday, April 15, 2023

    Week of April 17 2023 OMS Chiefs Updates.docx 

    May 2023 Testing and Activity Schedule.docx 

    Weekly Update for the week of April 17th


    Good afternoon, Osceola Middle School Families. This is your principal Derrik Craun providing you with your weekly update. 

    Parents, registration for Summer Bridge is now open. I encourage all current 6th and 7th grade students to attend this enrichment opportunity with engagement in all core content, Technology, and PE.  Breakfast and Lunch will be provided. The link to register current 6th and 7th grade students is:  https://reservation.pcsb.org/ and on the email update as well as our school website. Summer Bridge takes place from June 5th through June 29th Mondays through Thursdays from 8am until 2pm. If you are having difficulty registering, please call our front office during school hours and we can assist.

    As we quickly approach end of the year assessments and activities, I have attached our May calendar for you to review.  All students will be taking the FAST Reading test on May 2nd which is on a Tuesday and the FAST Math assessment on May 4th.  Only students taking Algebra or Geometry will be excluded from the FAST Math assessment and will take their EOC assessment on May 17th.

    In athletics, our girls’ flag football team remains undefeated with another win this week and our boys’ team has a 1-1 record.  We wish them good luck as they have a home game at Osceola High School on Tuesday and an away game Thursday at Pinellas Park High School both starting at 5:15 this week.

    PCS Food & Nutrition Department is surveying students to find out their favorite lunch items and potentially update future menus. Please encourage your child to take the Food & Nutrition Lunch Survey. They can access it in Clever or by using this link on my email update: https://survey.k12insight.com/r/PCS_Student_Lunch_Preferences . This survey closes on April 28th so now is the time for students to provide their input.


    This Friday’s Fun Friday Tee will be to wear a shirt to support Earth day.  Any shirt that displays an image of saving the environment or solid blue or green is acceptable.  Our guideline for success focus is being Respectful which we encourage positive interactions with each other.  This includes social media outside of school.

    That’s all the announcements for this week. Thank you parents for your support and have a great weekend!




                       MAY 2023

    Osceola Midde School Testing and Activity Calendar


















    FAST Reading 6-8




    FAST Math 6-8



    6th Grade Field Trip to Astro Skate











    Art Common Assessments





    8th Laptop Collection


    7th Laptop Collection


    SCIENCE SSA grade 8

    6th Laptop collection

    8th Yearbook distr.

    1st period

    8th Grade Dance time 2:45 pm











    6th and 7th Grade

    Yearbook distr.

    7th period


    8th Grade Awards 5:30 pm


    Algebra EOC

    Geometry EOC





    Gradventure 8th grade field trip





















    8th Breakfast

    Field Day

    Drive Thru Parade




    Saturday, April 8. 2023

    Week of April 10 2023 OMS Chiefs Updates.docx 

    Weekly Update for the week of April 10th


    Good afternoon, Osceola Middle School Families. This is your principal Derrik Craun providing you with your weekly update. 

    Parents, registration for Summer Bridge is now open. All current 6th and 7th grade students are encouraged to attend this enrichment opportunity for all core content areas, Technology, and PE.  Breakfast and Lunch will be provided. The link to register current 6th and 7th grade students is:  https://reservation.pcsb.org/ and on the email update as well as our school website. Summer Bridge takes place from June 5th through June 29th Mondays through Thursdays from 8am until 2pm.

    I would like to congratulate to our boys and girls flag football teams as they both won their first game last week and wish them good luck as they take on Pinellas Park Middle at Hollins High School this Thursday at 5:15.  Friday will be the 7th grade Field Trip to Seminole Lanes for those who purchased tickets.

    As the month of April is Autism Awareness Month, we ask that all students wear blue on Friday in support of autism awareness.  We have several announcements and guest speakers throughout the month which has been organized by our student leadership club.  For data and facts on autism, visit the cdc website link on the email update  http://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/autism/data.html .

    This Friday’s Fun Friday Tee will be to wear a Tampa Bay Rays shirt and/or a blue shirt in support of Autism Awareness month.

    That’s all the announcements for this week. Thank you parents for your support and have a great weekend!

    Saturday, April 1, 2023

    Week of April 3 2023 OMS Chiefs Updates.docx 

    Flag Football Schedule 2023.docx 

    Band MPA 2023.jpg OMS Band 2023.jpg 

    Middle School Exp. - Community Update.pdf 

    Weekly Update for the week of April 3rd 2023


    Good afternoon, Osceola Middle School Families. This is your principal Derrik Craun providing you with your weekly update. 

    Parents don’t forget that next week is a 4 day week as there is no school on Friday.  This Monday at 5:15 will be the first ever boys and girls flag football games at Osceola Fundamental High against Morgan Fitzgerald Middle.  We wish both our boys and girls teams good luck in their first games of the season and in the history of OMS.

    I would like to congratulate or OMS Band for earning the rating of “Excellent” across all measured areas during our district’s Musical Performance Assessment last Thursday.  Congratulations to our band students and Mr. McDuffie for all their hard work in preparation for this event.

    Also, as this Friday was our OMS Spirit Pep Rally, our 7th graders were winners of the OMS Spirit Stick and have earned a dress down day. The date of their dress down day will be announced later.  Congratulations 7th grade students!

    Looking ahead, it is already time to begin planning for next school year.  I am excited to announce that we will be one of six middle schools that will be taking part in a new middle school experience next school year.  As part of this new model, our students will have a 30 minute daily enrichment period in addition to a 6 period instructional day. The goal is to better engage and support our students by increasing opportunity for hands-on learning while developing systems to meet the needs of students.  For more information, I have attached a flyer to the email portion of the update message.  There will be two YouTube Live events for parents to join if interested on April 6 and May 4th at 5pm.  As always, I will also keep you updated with new information along the way.

    That’s all the announcements for this week. Thank you parents for your support and have a great weekend!