• Welcome to W.O.R.@D
    (Writing Or Reading at Dixie)
    Student Literacy Team.

    Sponsor: Ms. Douglass, media center

    Purpose:  To promote literacy through student directed activities

  • OFFICERS 2016-2017

    President: Mallory Rambler

    First Vice President: Thayer Tymon

    Second Vice President: Analisa Ramgadoo

    Secretary: Jacob Merrill

    Treasurer: Michael Hill

    Publicity Manager:  Kat Daniels 

    Historian: Britney Acheson

    The student literacy club includes a book club and a spoken word poetry team.

    Membership:  Any student enrolled in Dixie Hollins High School may join the Student Literacy Club.  See Ms.Douglass in  the media center for information.

    Meetings:  Meet in Media Center

    • Officers meeting at lunch (alternating Wednesdays)                               
    • Book Club:  Tuesdays at lunch, weekly. 
    • Poetry Team: As called via TDE 

Book club 14
Lit conference
  • TBA