
    DHS Spirit Guide 2024-2025



    Student Government and class officers operate Homecoming, Prom, and many

    other school activities.  Elections are held each spring (freshman held in the fall).


    CLASS                                        SPONSOR                        EMAIL

    Student Gov’t.                        Mr. Turkov                     turkovm@pcsb.org

    Freshman & Sophomore        Mr. Szymanski               szymanskib@pcsb.org

    Juniors                                   Mrs. Mullholand             mullholandc@pcsb.org

    Seniors                                   Mr. Kifer                         kiferg@pcsb.org  




    Academic Team: Advisor, Ms. Craven, 6-09, craveng@pcsb.org. Competes against other county teams. Top students represent the county at State.


    Aviation & Aerospace Club: Advisor, Dr. Deeley, 15-07, deeleyj@pcsb.org. Want to become a pilot? Want to become an astronaut?  Or how about pick any career in the area of aviation and aerospace. Come check out the aviation and aerospace club. Meets the first and third Tuesday of each month during lunch.


    Battle of the Books: Advisor, Mrs. Aliak, Media Center, aliakp@pcsb.org. Promotes reading of 15 books chosen by Florida Teen Reads, culminating in a county-wide competition.


    Best Buddies: Advisor, Coach Zachar, zacharc@pcsb.org. Best Buddies is a nonprofit organization which operates as a student-run friendship club creating buddy pairs between students with and without disabilities. This program builds one-to-one friendships and helps to create an inclusive school climate for students and a community culture of acceptance.


    Chess Club: Advisor, Miss Leipertz, 9-56, leipertze@pcsb.org. Unleash your strategic genius with the Dunedin High School Chess Club! Whether you're a seasoned player or a curious beginner, join us to build community, skills, thrilling matches, and mind-bending tactics while boosting your resume. Ready to checkmate the competition? Your move! Meets Thursdays during lunch.


    Choral Department: Advisor, Ms. Mulholland, 19-002, mulhollandc@pcsb.org. Consistently superior-rated ensembles including Mixed Choir, Madrigals, and Falconaires.


    Debate Club (Forensics): Advisor, Mr. Jones, 5-001, jonesdono@pcsb.org. Meets Wednesdays during lunch.


    Dunedin Games: Advisor, Mr. Rooney, 9-54, rooneym@pcsb.org. We welcome anything from video games, card games, boardgames to D&D. Come in and join a game, all are welcome. Meets Mondays during lunch.


    Earth Club: Advisor, Miss Savercool, savercoolb@pcsb.org. The Earth Club is for students with a passion for the environment. Discussions regarding sustainable living and tips, local clean ups, and presentations from environmental advocates will occur during club meetings.


    Fellowship of Christian Athletes/Students (FCA): Advisor, Dr. Deeley, 15-07, deeleyj@pcsb.org. All are welcome for fellowship, prayer, scripture reflection and community service. Meets Fridays during lunch.


    Jewish Student Union: Advisor, Mr. Montgomery, 3-11, mongtomeryk@pcsb.org. Strengthens Jewish identity and provides an opportunity for Jewish learning and interaction between and among students of  Dunedin High School. Meets one Wednesday a month during lunch.


    Key Club: Advisors, Mrs. Stoop, 6-02, stoopc@pcsb.org and Ms. Allred, allredt@pcsb.org. The oldest and largest student-led service program for high school students. It is sponsored by Kiwanis and promotes leadership through serving others. Meets Wednesdays during lunch.


    Model United Nations (UN) Club: Advisor, Mr. Moore, 12-02, mooremal@pcsb.org. Model United Nations is a student-centered organization designed to develop their skills in research, writing, debate, and problem solving. Students take on the role of ambassadors from different countries and develop solutions to global challenges from the perspective of their countries. Meets Wednesdays during lunch.


    Mu Alpha Theta (Math Honor Society): Advisor, Dr. Mendez, 11-04, mendezc@pcsb.org. We are a National Math Honor Society that investigates and explore math topics not normally taught in High School. The purpose of Mu Alpha Theta is to help students that have a natural curiosity of mathematics dive deeper into the understanding of what we learn in school and apply these topics into other areas of study. We also tutor other students after school. Meets Thursdays during lunch.


    National Art Honor Society: Advisor, Mr. Gulino, 7-01, gulinos@pcsb.org. In 1978, the National Art Education Association began the NAHS program to inspire and recognize students who have shown an outstanding ability and interest in art. The program supports members in their efforts to attain the highest standards in art scholarship, character, and service and to bring art education to the attention of the school and community.


    National Honor Society: Advisor, Mrs. Murphy, 3-01, murphyama@pcsb.org. Recognizes and calls together Dunedin’s highest achieving juniors and seniors for service in the school and community. Meets select Fridays after school.


    National Spanish Honor Society: Advisor, Ms. Quesada, 6-11, lopezan@pcsb.org. Promotes interest in Hispanic studies and culture. Recognizes high achievement.


    National Technical Honor Society:  Advisor, Ms. Dunphy, 6-52, dunphyt@pcsb.org. For juniors and seniors enrolled in our CTE programs (Business, JROTC, Culinary, Cosmetology, Robotics, Architecture, Construction) with a GPA of 3.0 or above. Students participate in community service projects and tutoring. Meets Tuesdays during lunch.


    Navy JROTC: Advisor, Chief Johnson, 7-003, johnsonchristoph@pcsb.org. NJROTC is more than just a club, it's a family. Cadets can hang out in "The Ship" at  lunch, join afterschool/traveling teams like Drill, Color Guard, Academic, Raider, STEM and Marksmanship, or engage in impactful community service all while broadening their skills and horizons. The Naval Science class offers both HOPE and Art credits. Follow us on FB/IG @falconnavy.


    Parent Teacher Student Association—PTSA: Kristina Garcia, President, kristinagpta@yahoo.com. The purpose is to advocate locally and nationally on behalf of children and education. The PTSA also strives to bring home life and the school closer together.


    Philosophy and Critical Thinking (PACT): Advisor, Mr. Spera, sperar@pcsb.org


    Principals Multicultural Advisory Committee (PMAC): Advisor, Mr. Zanders-Nelson, zandersnelsonj@pcsb.org. The purpose is to promote interaction among all racial and ethnic groups and to diminish racism, discrimination, and conflict.


    Red Zone: Advisor, Miss Savercool, savercoolb@pcsb.com


    School Advisory Council—SAC: Advisor, SAC is mandated by the Florida Legislature to create and implement the School Improvement Plan.


    SCUBA Club; Advisor, Miss Savercool, savercoolb@pcsb.com Meets Tuesdays during lunch.


    Sewn Together Club: Advisor, Ms. Kuerzi, 9-08, kuerzir@pcsb.org. For students interested in learning how to sew, craft, needlepoint, crochet, knit, quilt, and using a sewing machine. Hands on activities and open to everyone. Meets Tuesdays and Wednesdays during lunch.


    Sign Language Club: Advisor, Mrs. Stoop, 6-02, stoopc@pcsb.org Meets Thursdays during lunch.


    SKILLS USA: Advisor, Mr. Vroman, 6-12, vromanb@pcsb.org. Open to all students enrolled in vocational classes such as cosmetology, electrical wiring, construction and architectural design, drafting, robotics, and 3D modeling.


    STREAM Club: Advisor, Dr. Deeley, 15-07,  deeleyj@pcsb.org. Marine Sciences, Aerospace/Astronomy, and STEM discusses current events concerning oceans, seas, inland waterways, NASA, SpaceX, and launch events.


    Student Government Assn (SGA): Advisor, Mr. Turkov, 12-06, turkovm@pcsb.org. Builds student leaders who plan and host school events and initiatives. All class council members are a part of SGA.


    Thespian, Comedy Club and Broadway Bound: Advisor, Ms. Mullholand, Auditorium, mullholandc@pcsb.org. Clubs for actors. Members qualify by accumulating points given for participation in theatre events.


    Yearbook & Newspaper: Advisor, Ms. Kuerzi, 9-08,  kuerzir@pcsb.org




    Baseball        Coach Kippen, kippend@pcsb.org    Spring

    Basketball Boys*        Coach Johnson, johnsonwe@pcsb.org    Winter

    Basketball Girls*     Coach Rayel, rayelt@pcsb.org    Winter

    Bowling    Coach Kifer, kiferg@pcsb.org    Winter

    Cheerleading*    Coach McMahon, stacyabroad@yahoo.com    Year

    Cross Country Boys    Coach Jones, jonesdono@pcsb.org    Fall

    Cross Country Girls     Coach Morrison, morrisonma@pcsb.org    Fall

    Flag Football Girls    Coach Kifer, kiferg@pcsb.org    Spring

    Flag Football Girls JV     Coach Fritz, fritzmi@pcsb.org    Spring

    Football        Coach Climan, climang@pcsb.org    Fall

    Golf Girls    Coach Zachar, zacharc@pcsb.org    Fall

    Golf  Boys    Coach Hanks, hanksb@pcsb.org    Fall

    Orienteering     NJROTC, johnsonchristoph@pcsb.org    Spring

    Soccer Boys     Coach Popovic, markopopovic391@gmail.com    Winter

    Soccer Girls    Coach Cummings, cummingsam@pcsb.org    Winter

    Softball Girls    Coach Leipertz, leipertze@pcsb.org    Fall

    Swim & Dive Boys/Girls    Coach Rayel, rayelt@pcsb.org    Spring

    Tennis Boys/Girls     Coach Reese, reesest@pcsb.org    Spring

    Track Girls    Coach Morrison, morrisonma@pcsb.org    Spring

    Track Boys    Coach Jones, jonesdono@pcsb.org    Spring

    Volleyball Girls*    Coach Hauskey, jhauskey1@gmail.com    Fall

    Wrestling Girls*    VACANT    Winter

    Wrestling Boys    Coach C., blackmoreidec@pcsb.org    Winter

    Wrestling Boys JV    VACANT    Winter

        *denotes both varsity and junior varsity