The AVID Elective- The AVID elective class targets students who have the desire to go to college and the willingness to work hard. These students are first generation students to attend college, come from groups that are underrepresented in higher education and are capable of completing rigorous curriculum but may fall short of their potential.
Students in the AVID program are placed on a college track in which they are placed in the school's toughest courses such as Honors and Advanced Placement. To support these students and the rigorous coursework, AVID students learn organizational and study skills, develop critical thinking, learn to ask probing questions, interact and receive academic help in a peer tutor setting, and participate in activities to make their college dreams reality.
AVID Educators-AVID Secondary at Dunedin High is overseen by the site coordinator. The coordinator is a respected leader who works well with school personnel to see that the students are successful in their academic rigor. The site coordinator organizes curriculum with the AVID educators, works with colleagues and counselors to implement AVID methodologies schoolwide, develops family and community outreach, and work with the district the oversees the AVID implementation.
AVID Parent- The AVID parent encourages their student to achieve academic success and maintain communication with the AVID educators. The AVID parent is critical to the student and program's success.
If AVID is a program you would like to be enrolled in, click
here to apply!