Quick Contacts & Information
SENIORS & JUNIORSAcademics & Discipline— Dr. Flocken Counseling—Mrs. Pilgrim
SOPHOMORESAcademics & Discipline— Mr. Settle Counseling - Mrs. Nywening
FRESHMENAcademics & Discipline— Ms. Leitold Counseling - Ms. Petrulak |
Administrators and Counselors
PTA: Membership Form available on school website. PTA Information
Apply for free lunch: Go to www.myschoolapps.com
Athletics: Information and documents on school website. Athletics
Insurance: Student Accident Insurance information available on school website. Student Insurance
Computers: Mrs. Aliak, Media Center (aliakp@pcsb.org).
Volunteering/Mentors: Mrs. Lobato (lobatos@pcsb.org).