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National Autism Awareness Month
National Autism Awareness Month
April 1 – 30
Pinellas County Schools serves approximately 1600 students identified on the Autistic spectrum. The district serves students with Autism across a continuum in center schools, self-contained classrooms and inclusive classrooms. Pinellas County Schools will continue to develop and improve programs and services to meet the needs of the students of Autism and their families.General Information
In the 1970’s, the National Autism Society named April as National Autism Awareness month In order to create awareness about Autism. The purpose of this awareness was to educate the public about Autism issues within the Autism community, to promote acceptance of individuals and families with Autism, and to recognize those that serve students with Autism.School Based Celebration Ideas and Classroom Activities
April Is Autism Awareness Month - 10 Ways to Celebrate1. Light It Up Blue for Greater Understanding and Acceptance April 2nd, World Autism Awareness Day!
- Commit your entire school to wear blue! Go to www.autismspeaks.org
- Wear a blue t-shirt and make sure your friends, coworkers, and classmates do too!
- Pick up a blue light bulb and swap it out at your home or work.
- Turn your Facebook or Twitter profile picture blue
- Have your teachers use the Puzzle Piece Project and Autism Awareness Month Tool Kit
2. Hold an Autism Awareness Book Study at your school site. A great choice, Uniquely Human: A Different Way Of Seeing Autism by Barry Prizant
3. To learn about inclusive practices for students with autism, visit Paula Kluth’s website www.paulakluth.com.
4. Devote a display area in your school to share facts about Autism.
5. Visit the Center for Autism and Related Disabilities (CARD) website to explore materials and resources surrounding safety, advocacy, behavior, community, and life skills.
6. Set up a sensory exhibit at your school to experience tunnels, swings, weighted vests, and body sock. Create homemade sensory items and donate to a classroom for students with autism.
7. Explore fully completed grade specific lesson plans (K-12th grade) to educate the students at your school about Autism and related disabilities. Visit the website for Autism Speaks Toolkit (PDF file).
8. Share facts about Autism on morning news announcements during the month of April. For data and facts visit the CDC website.
9. Celebrate Autism Awareness Month on your school marquee
10. Share the “Growing Up Together” booklets for Elementary through teens at: http://www.angelfire.com/pa5/as/autismawareness.html
Registration opens on PLN April 2nd