In General

    By riding a school bus the student consents to being videotaped and audio recorded while riding the bus.

    Parents are responsible for providing the necessary assistance, protection and overall safety of their student while going to and from the bus stop.

    Parents are responsible for their child’s behavior at the bus stop prior to the arrival of the bus in the morning and after the departure of the bus at the end of the day. However, if a student is at the bus stop and violates the school rules, the school can still discipline the student for their behavior.

    Students should arrive at the stop 5 to 10 minutes prior to the scheduled pick up time and stand off the roadway in a safe location where they are outdoors and visible to the driver. Students should remain at the stop up to 30 minutes after the scheduled pick up time in case the bus is running late. Parents may also sign up to receive notification about their student’s bus route at www.busbulletin.com.

    The district seeks to ensure the safety of all students who ride district buses and staff who operate them. Unauthorized individuals including, but not limited to: parents, students, and siblings may not board a school bus or attempt to conference with a bus driver or authorized rider, while en route to or from school. Individuals who do not adhere to this expectation may face criminal prosecution for trespassing, in addition to other charges which may be brought pursuant to local and State law.

    Any concerns related to transportation should be communicated to the school or the Transportation Department.

    If a student causes any damage to the bus or another vehicle, the student’s parent shall be responsible to pay for the damage.

    Students must follow all safety procedures when loading/unloading from the bus:

    A. Be ready to board the bus

    B. Cross in front of the bus (10 to 12 ft)

    C. Do not cross street until stop arms are fully deployed and all traffic has stopped

    D. Magnet/fundamental/career academy students may be assigned to an arterial stop. All arterial stops are assigned a corner designation. Students are required to be at this designated corner location. Parents are responsible for insuring their student arrives and departs from any arterial stop safely.

    Things a Student Cannot Bring on a Bus

    A. glass containers of any kind,

    B. sharp objects,

    C. balls,

    D. bats,

    E. roller skates and skateboards (unless secured in a proper carrying case or backpack),

    F. cutting instruments of any kind with the exception of those required for school purposes that do not violate the Code of Student Conduct or Board Policy (these exceptions must be secured in a backpack at all times.),

    G. any large or bulky item that interferes with proper seating of students (examples: large musical instruments or athletic equipment) (Items must fit on the student’s lap),

    H. any animal (dead or alive),

    I. batons, drum sticks, tennis rackets (unless in proper carrying case),

    J. or any other item prohibited elsewhere in the Code of Student Conduct,

    Rules While on the Bus

    The bus driver is in charge and the student must obey the driver’s instructions at all times. The student must provide the bus driver their correct name when asked. The bus driver and school will keep a seating chart. The student can be disciplined if they do not follow all district and school rules and the following special rules:

    A. sit in the student’s assigned seat and use the seat belt if available,

    B. stay seated at all times while the bus is in motion,

    C. do not put any part of a student’s body outside the bus windows,

    D. do not distract the driver with loud conversation or noises,

    E. do not eat or drink on the bus,

    F. maintain absolute silence at all times when the overhead dome lights are on for railroad crossings,

    G. do not throw any items inside or outside of the bus or bus windows,

    H. do not mark, cut or damage bus seats or the bus itself,

    I. do not display signs from the bus,

    J. do not use obscene language or gestures,

    K. no pushing/kicking/hitting/spitting,

    L. no bullying, and

    M. emergency door is only to be used when there is an emergency. If there is an emergency, the student must follow the driver’s instructions.

    Discipline if a Student Does Not Follow the Rules

    The School Board believes that all students, as well as the bus driver, should be able to ride safely on school buses. Therefore if a student misbehaves, they may be removed from the bus.

    If a student commits minor infractions, the school bus driver has the authority to address their behavior. Minor infractions include but are not limited to:

    A. chewing gum,

    B. eating on the bus,

    C. general use of profanity, or

    D. being too loud and disruptive.

    If a student causes repeated problems on the bus by doing something the bus driver considers a more serious rule violation, the bus driver will report the student to the school office. The bus driver will give the school a written referral about what the student did.

    Major infractions include but are not limited to:

    A. sitting inappropriately;

    B. throwing paper or items in or out of the bus;

    C. spitting, rough housing, fighting, pushing, kicking, hitting;

    D. inappropriate touching;

    E. not using assigned bus stop;

    F. moving while bus is in motion;

    G. noisy at railroad crossings;

    H. unsafe street crossing;

    I. possession of tobacco products, drugs or alcohol;

    J. spraying scents or perfumes while in the bus;

    K. weapons of any type; or

    L. profanity directed to an adult.


    School administrators can take any of the following disciplinary steps against a student for misbehaving at a bus stop or on a bus, and will notify the student’s parents, on an approved form, when they take any of these steps:

    A. Warn the student that their behavior is not allowed and if repeated, may result in further discipline as well as suspension of bus riding privileges.

    B. Discipline the student the same as if they had misbehaved at school.

    C. Suspend the student from riding the bus. Parents are responsible for transporting their student to and from schools during the suspension from the school bus.

    D. Expel the student from riding a school bus if previous discipline has not worked or if they commit a serious offense. The process by which a student is expelled from riding the bus is the same as the process for being expelled from school. The principal makes a recommendation to the Superintendent, who then recommends it to the Board. If fewer than thirty (30) school days remain in the semester when the Board considers the issue, then the expulsion will include the remainder of the current semester as well as the designated semesters of expulsion.

    Even if a student transfers to a new school, they will be held responsible for any previous incidents of bus misconduct from their previous school.

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