Assessment, Accountability and Research
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Information regarding Florida Assessment of Student Thinking (FAST)
All state-required, standardized, and district-developed assessments are channeled through the Assessment division of the Assessment, Accountability & Research Department. The division is responsible for:
- facilitating the development of district assessments to monitor student progress in state-assessed courses
- facilitating the development of district assessments to measure student achievement in courses not assessed by the state
- managing the deployment and administration of all state, standardized, and district assessments
- training test coordinators and test administrators
- analyzing data from state, standardized, and district-developed assessments
- creating reports for district and school personnel in order to disseminate student testing data
- advising personnel about the interpretation and appropriate use of assessment results
- supporting the district assessment and reporting platform, Performance Matters
Questions related to Grade 3-12 state and standardized assessments can be directed to: elines@pcsb.orgQuestions related to district assessments and Grade K-2 STAR assessments can be directed to: forana@pcsb.orgQuestions related to Performance Matters can be directed to:
District Assessment Calendars for SY2024-25
- 2024-2025 Elementary School PK - 2 Assessment Calendar
- 2024-2025 Elementary School Grades 3 - 5 Assessment Calendar
- 2024-2025 Middle School Assessment Calendar
- 2024-2025 High School Assessment Calendar
Uniform Statewide Assessment Calendar for SY2024-25
District Assessed Course List for SY2024-25
Florida Department of Education (FLDOE)
Assessment Resources
Assessments - Explanation of all Statewide administered assessments, includes student performance related assessments as well as certifying teacher and administrator information.End-of-Course (EOC) Assessments - All about EOC assessments.Assessment Schedules - Florida Statewide Assessment Program Schedule as established according to the Florida FLDOE for all assessments administered in the current school year.