Tamra Ingrassia

Tamra IngrassiaTamra Ingrassia, a Food Service Specialists at Belcher Elementary School, was named the Pinellas County Schools 2019-2020 Support Employee of the Year. The announcement was made during a celebratory luncheon at Feather Sound Country Club in Clearwater. As a result, Ingrassia will represent the district for the Florida School-Related Employee of the Year. She will also receive $300 from Achieva Credit Union, the event's sponsor.

Ingrassia has a passion for food and healthy eating that extends beyond her daily duties. She started a Garden Club at the school and helped to design garden beds that now produce fresh fruits and vegetables. She incorporates student achievement by putting math problems on the student’s lunch trays and she has academic conversations with students. Ingrassia has initiated several healthy food options programs at Belcher Elementary to include a Breakfast Showcase. She continuously searches for ways to help students make smart and healthy food and nutrition decisions.


Tamra Ingrassia, Supoort Emplyee of the Year


Please watch of a video of each of the five Support Employee of the Year category winners.

Classroom Support
Nancy Correa-Torres, Sexton Elementary School, Bilingual Support

Marie Jantschek, Osceola Fundamental High School, Secretary IV

Food Service
Tamra Ingrassia, Belcher Elementary School, Food Service Assistant

Pamela Layliev, Leila Davis Elementary School, Licensed Practical Nurse

Plant Operations
John Randolph, Anona Elementary School, Head Plant Operator

Each category finalists received $200 from Achieva Credit Union. The semifinalists for each category received $100. Below is a picture of the semifinalists.

Support Employee of the Year semifinalists

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