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Back to School Highlights

2024-2025 Back to School Guide
2024-2025 School Calendars and Schedules
Back to School Clinics
The Florida Department of Health in Pinellas County (DOH-Pinellas) is again offering its annual summer Back to School clinic services to students, kindergarten through grade 12, to prepare for the 2024-25 school year. Please note that children going into Pre-K are not eligible. Learn more.
Back-to-School Forms
Parents can fill out all their back-to-school forms in one place - online. Use your parent ID and password to log into Focus at and complete your Back-to-School Forms packet. Forms can also be accessed at
See the Focus Forms Tip Sheet (pdf)
You can sign up for a self-service program where you can reset your password yourself. Learn more at
Still have questions? Watch our Focus Forms Intro Video.
Focus Updates
Focus has recently been updated to provide more options. Parents can create Parent Portal accounts, reset passwords and link their children to their accounts electronically. Learn more about Focus updates at
Breakfast and Lunch Programs
- Breakfast is free for all students and lunch is free at many of our schools. You can see a list of those schools, also known as Community Eligibility Program Schools, at
- To learn more about PCS meals, see
- There are benefits to applying for free and reduced-price meals, even if your school provides free meals. Families who qualify for free or reduced-price meals may be eligible for free full-day VPK.
- Students in all district schools are still able to apply for free and reduced lunch meal benefits online. The online application for free meal benefits is available at
Bus Information
Transportation information for the 2024-2025 school year will be sent out to
families by email or text on August 2.- If your child rides the bus to school, you will also receive a text and email notification from the district's Transportation Department with your child's bus stop, route number, and pick-up and drop-off times.
- If you have questions about bus transportation, please contact the Transportation Call Center: 727-587-2020.
- More information about PCS Transportation can be found at
- You can view your student’s information for the 2024-2025 school year at
Cell Phone Policy
Pinellas County Schools recognizes the ever-increasing importance of technology in students’ lives and the beneficial role it can play in student education and communication when used responsibly. The possession and use of such devices should not interfere with academic instruction, student safety or a positive school climate. Pinellas County Schools has updated its Code of Conduct as it relates to the usage of cell phones and other wireless devices during instructional time on and off campus. Here is a summary for the 2024-2025 school year on student wireless communications.
Time Periods Elementary Middle High After School Yes (coordination of
transportation as needed)Yes Yes Before School No Yes Yes During Lunch No No Yes Passing Period No No Yes 2024-2025 SCHOOL YEAR WIRELESS HEADPHONES AND EARBUDS USAGE SUMMARY CHART
Time Periods Elementary Middle High After School No No Yes Before School No No Yes During Lunch No No Yes Passing Period No No No 2024-2025 SCHOOL YEAR CELL PHONES AND WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS DEVICES CHANGES
A. Elementary School Students:
- Elementary school students must keep wireless communications devices in the "off" position throughout the instructional school day and while participating in a school-sponsored activity on or off campus. Students are permitted to use their wireless communications device after the end of the instructional school day, if needed to communicate with parents regarding coordination of transportation.
B. Middle School Students:
- Middle school students must keep wireless communications devices in the off position throughout the instructional school day and while participating in a school-sponsored activity on or off campus. Students are permitted to use their wireless communications devices before and after the instructional school day.
- When allowed, all wireless device headphones, earbuds or other listening accessories are restricted to minimal volume only to be heard by its user.
C. High School Students:
- High school students must keep wireless communications devices in the silent mode or off position during instructional time within all class periods. In addition, students are permitted to use their wireless communications devices before and after the school instructional school day, during lunch and when transitioning between classes.
- All wireless device headphones, earbuds or other listening accessories are restricted to use before and after the instructional school day, and during lunch, and much be stored in a non-visible secure location, such as the student’s backpack, purse or pocket.
- IEP, 504, or Health Care/Medical Plan. Students may use wireless communications devices during class time when authorized pursuant to an Individual Education (IEP), a Section 504 Accommodation Plan, or a Health Care/Medical Plan with supportive documentation from the student's physician.
- Health, Safety or Emergency Reasons. Exceptions to the restrictions in this policy, in part or in its entirety, may be made for health, safety and emergency reasons by the principals.
The district recognizes that some parents will provide their student with smartwatches for safety reasons, emergency communication purposes or location tracking. All of the rules applicable to wireless communications devices apply to smartwatches; however, student may wear smartwatches only in silent mode during the instructional day so there will not be disruption to the classroom, a smartwatch may not be worn during district and state assessments.
Please refer to both the Unauthorized Use of Devices and Consequences as these sections apply to the misuse of smartwatches.
Any student who chooses to bring a wireless communications device to school shall do so at their own risk and shall be personally responsible for the security of their wireless communications device(s).
The School Board is not responsible for preventing theft, loss, damage or vandalism to wireless devices brought onto school property, or left on school-sponsored transportation, including any wireless communications device(s) confiscated due to inappropriate use.
View the PCS Student Code of Conduct
Change or Reset Passwords
Learn how to change or reset your passwords at
District Dress Code
If the school has a mandatory school uniform policy, the student must adhere to those requirements.
The dress and grooming of Pinellas County Public Schools’ students shall contribute to the health and safety of the individual, promote a positive educational environment, and not disrupt the educational activities and processes of the school. These standards of dress and grooming apply to all students in the public schools of Pinellas County, unless a specific exemption is granted by the principal.
View the District Dress Code Policy
Family Engagement
- Volunteer opportunities: Pinellas County Schools is always looking for volunteers and mentors. Learn more at or or call 727-588-6405.
- Support your child’s academic success: Pinellas County Schools Parent Academy POWER HOUR workshops help parents support students academically, socially and emotionally. Learn more and check out free workshops at If you have questions, call 727-588-6000 ext. 1846.
- Electronic flyers: Pinellas County Schools uses an electronic flyer delivery tool called “Peachjar” that delivers flyers directly to parents’ email inboxes. Learn more at
See the State of Florida school entry Immunization Requirements.
New Student Registration
If you are new to Pinellas County or if your child is transitioning into our school district, you must reserve a seat at a zoned school for the 2024-2025 school year. Visit the New Student Registration page to learn about the registration process and required documents. The Student Assignment office is open from 8 a.m. to 4:30 pm. Monday through Friday.
The Student Assignment office is in the district's Administration Building, 301 Fourth St. SW, Largo. Contact the office at or 727-588-6210.
Use the Focus Student Information System:- Reserve a seat for the school year
- Change address
- Apply for a District Application Program
- Apply for Special Assignment Request
Power Up Learning
Back to School is the time to power up our brains and dive into learning. In our Pinellas County Schools classrooms, the real magic happens when we disconnect from distractions. Learn more at
Resources to Support Students and Families
Find out about staff members, such as school counselors, social workers, school psychologists, prevention specialists and nurses: Watch this social services video.
School Supply List
View the recommended supply lists, by grade level.
Student Accident Insurance
The Pinellas County School Board, like most Florida school boards, requires students participating in certain school activities to purchase student accident insurance. Get more information on Student Accident Insurance and enrollment information on mandatory and voluntary student accident insurance. Have additional questions? Contact your school.
Update Your Phone and Email Contact Information
Please make sure PCS has your up-to-date contact info.