Annual Asbestos Notification

  • The attached memo serves as the annual notification letter required under the Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA).

  • This memo serves as the annual notification letter required under the Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA). This memo must be posted in a conspicuous location within your school so that faculty and staff may review the information. Copies must also be made available to parent groups and other organizations so they are made aware of the school’s asbestos management plan. If anyone has any questions or concerns regarding asbestos within their school, they should contact the AHERA coordinator.


    AHERA requires all public school districts to maintain an up to date asbestos management program. This mandated program requires school districts to inspect their schools for the presence of asbestos, to rank any identified asbestos by hazard category and to develop asbestos management plans for each of their schools. The program also requires periodic re-inspections to assess the condition of any asbestos remaining in a school. The Pinellas County School District is in full compliance with the requirements of the AHERA law.


    All Pinellas County schools have an asbestos management plan. However, schools built after 1989 are exempt from the AHERA inspection requirements as long as there is a statement on file that verifies that no asbestos was knowingly used in the construction of that facility. Each management plan contains up to date information pertaining to the location and types of asbestos remaining at a specific site as well as documentation of completed abatement projects and periodic site inspections. Complete asbestos related files for all School District sites are maintained at the Walter Pownall Service Center.


    All custodial and maintenance workers are required by law to be familiar with the contents of the plan for their particular facility and to have received asbestos awareness training. Asbestos awareness training sessions are arranged at regular intervals through the maintenance department. All other faculty, staff and parents are encouraged to refer to the management plan if they should have any questions regarding the identification or location of any asbestos containing material within a school.


    The Pinellas County School Board AHERA coordinator is:

    William A. Robinson
    Project Coordinator
    Maintenance Department
    (727) 547-7199