Health Education

  • The core concepts of health education (community health, consumer health, environmental health, family life, mental and emotional health, injury prevention and safety, nutrition, personal health, prevention and control of disease, and substance use and abuse) are linked to health skills to develop functional health literacy. These concepts and skills found in the Next Generation of the Sunshine State Standards are based on the National Standards for Health Education. These skills are embedded in each of the health education courses.  A summary of these skills is listed below.

    Parent Opt-In

    Parents shall be notified in advance of human sexuality content and shall be given a chance to preview content prior to student instruction.  Parents may exempt their student from part of or the entire human sexuality curriculum by written request to the principal and/


    Health Skills

    • Core Concepts:  The ability to comprehend concepts related to health promotion and disease prevention to enhance health.
    • Analyzing External and Internal Influences:  The ability to determine sources of influences: family, peers, teachers, other adults/professionals, media (advertisements, magazines, newspaper, internet sources, television, etc.), culture, etc.
    • Accessing Information:  The ability to access appropriate, useful and health enhancing information (Using a variety of reliable resources).
    • Decision Making:  The ability to use a process by which problems, etc. are well thought to use a process by which problems, etc. are well thought out and a health enhancing result occurs, includes consequences (positive and negative) for actions taken.
    • Goal Setting:  The ability to set and achieve reachable short and long term health enhancing targets.
    • Interpersonal Communication:  The ability to appropriately and successfully use verbal and nonverbal, active listening skills.
    • Self Management:  The ability to make health enhancing decisions, etc. primarily impacting self.
    • Advocacy:  The ability to “advocate” for health enhancing services, policies, programs, assistance, etc. primarily impacting family, peers, school, community.


    State Statutes

    • Florida State Statute 1003.41 - Sunshine State Standards
    • Florida State Statute 1003.42 (2)(n) - Required Instruction
    • Florida State Statute 1003.4282 - General Requirements for High School Graduation; Revised
    • Florida State Statute 1003.46 - Health Education; Instruction in Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome
    • Florida State Statute 787.06 - Human trafficking

Florida Department of Education

Wellness Guidelines

  • Elementary Wellness Guidelines - UNDER CONSTRUCTION

    Middle School Wellness Guidelines - UNDER CONSTRUCTION  

    High School Wellness Guidelines - UNDER CONSTRUCTION