Educational Alternative - PACE, Center for Girls

  • Prevention Day Treatment Program 

    What is PACE, Center for Girls?

    PACE, Center for Girls is a non-residential, gender-specific program for girls throughout Pinellas County, grades 6-12, ages 11-17, who are experiencing difficulty or conflict in school or at home.  PACE values all girls and young women, believing each one deserves an opportunity to find her voice, achieve her potential, and celebrate a life defined by responsibility, dignity, serenity, and grace.  PACE helps girls who are failing in school, struggling with histories of abuse, combatting unhealthy relationships, and facing a wide range of other serious risks by introducing hope, love, and change into their lives.  PACE believes in girls until they can begin to believe in themselves.

    Program Description

    With a demonstrated record of success,  the PACE model, with an average length of stay of 9-15 months, provides a holistic, strength-based and asset building model specifically responsive to the needs of girls and which is recognized as among the most effective programs in the country for keeping girls in school and out of the juvenile justice system.

    The PACE Center Model includes:

    • Case Management & Counseling Services
      • Counselor/case manager assigned to each girl
      • Individual Care plan based on needs assessments with defined goals & support developed with each girl
      • Home visits and monthly meetings with parents/guardian
      • Referrals for girls and their families to connect them to resources in the community
    • Academic Services
      • Individual academic plans & roadmaps for success in high school and post-secondary education
      • Daily individualized middle & high school instructions provided by Florida certified teachers
      • Group & individual remediation, tutoring and credit recovery
      • All girl setting & small class size – 1:12 ratio
      • Academic advising to achieve academic goals
      • GED preparation as appropriate
    • Life Skills
      • Group instruction using Spirited Girls Curriculum with a focus on life skills, health, communication & positive decision making
      • Gender responsive groups to support girls in developing healthy relationships and physical & mental health
      • Community Service learning to help girls develop a connection to their community
    • Career Preparation & Exploration
      • Career assessment and road mapping
      • Career readiness instruction
      • Career preparation assistance
    • Transition Services
      • Individual Transition plan developed with each girl focused on goals to be completed after attending PACE
      • Follow up for three years to ensure girls are on track with their transition plan
    Eligibility Criteria
    PACE accepts girls living in Pinellas County, between the ages of 11 and 17, exhibiting 3 or more risk factors that put a student at risk of school failure.   Risk Factors include:
    • School Failure
    • Family Instability and Conflict
    • Victimization/Abuse
    • Health and Mental Health
    • Early Sexual Activity and Pregnancy
    • Arrest History, Attitude, and Behaviors
    • Lack of Motivation and Goals
    • Truancy
    Student Admission Procedures

    Referrals are made by parents, other agencies, zoned school, Department of Juvenile Justice, or self.  To refer a girl to PACE or to tour the PACE Center, please call 727-456-1566 to set an appointment.  Visit PACE, Center for Girls in Pinellas County  for more information and to download a Referral Form.

PACE Information

  • Pinellas County School Staff
    Phone - 727-588-6434
    School Counselor - Wanda McEachern-Pleasant


    PACE Staff
    Phone -  727-456-1566
    Fax - 727-456-1570 

    PACE Associate Executive Director - Dena Hernandez

    PACE Program Director - TBD

    PACE Academic Manager - Melissa Sawyer


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