Elementary School Education
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Elementary School Education
Make PCS your choice for elementary education
Start your child’s elementary education on a solid foundation with Pinellas County Schools. Explore our award-winning elementary offerings:- Gifted services at every elementary school.
- Nationally recognized art and music curriculum.
- Certified physical education teachers at every elementary school.
- STEM Academies in most elementary schools.
Discover a PCS elementary school today. Request a school tour at your zoned elementary school.Kindergarten registration is currently underway for the 2024-25 school year. Visit our kindergarten page for Kindergarten registration details.Michael Feeney, Executive Director of Elementary EducationElementary Education in Pinellas County Schools embodies:
The principal as the leader of the school and the teacher as the leader in the classroom where specific grade level academic, social and behavioral expectations and procedures are clearly defined and regularly communicated.
A culture of collegiality and professionalism where Professional Learning Communities at all levels work together to improve teaching strategies that will positively affect student achievement.
A cohesive, guaranteed, and viable curriculum where grade level curriculum maps of essential learning and common assessments in reading and mathematics are aligned to the Florida Standards.
Challenging goals supported by data and feedback are used continually to shape and revise instructional strategies.
Research-based instructional strategies involving remediation and enrichment as keys to mastery of the material presented.
A safe and caring environment where teachers establish clear expectations for behavior and implement well-defined processes and procedures to ensure that students live up to these expectations. These processes and procedures will emphasize the importance of building relationships, developing self-discipline, and increasing student responsibility.
In addition, we know that in order for all students to be successful, three critical elements must be in place in all classrooms. These include:
1. An environment that is physically, emotionally, and intellectually safe, where students feel comfortable learning. This environment must include a balance of cooperation and governance between the teacher and student where the teacher is clearly identified as the leader in the classroom.
2. Students, teachers, administrators and parents must have clearly defined instructional expectations. Student progress will be measured through the use of common assessments.
3. Instructional strategies must be implemented that produce success. The teacher and the instructional strategies selected (including intensive remediation strategies) have a profound effect upon student learning. The art of teaching is becoming the science of teaching.In Pinellas County, much work has been done to assure the emotional, intellectual, and physical safety of students in our elementary schools.
Elementary Personnel
Michael Feeney, Executive Director
feeneym@pcsb.orgKathy Mammolito, Executive Secretary
mammolitok@pcsb.orgJennifer Mekler, Director Early Childhood
meklerj@pcsb.orgAnnissa Brown, Secretary, Early Childhood
brownanni@pcsb.orgMarlena Sinclair, Math Specialist
sinclairma@pcsb.orgCassandra Murphy-Atkins, K-2 Reading and Language Arts Specialist
Holly Slaughter, 3-5 Reading and Language Arts Specialist
slaughterh@pcsb.orgBeth Sand, Secretary, Reading and Language Arts
sande@pcsb.orgMichelle Anderson, K-8 Social Studies
andersonmiche@pcsb.orgWendy Noun, Science Specialist
Noung@pcsb.orgLisa Troiso, Secretary, Elementary Science, K-12 STEM Academies