Bus Drivers & Bus Assistants
We welcome our future workforce who possess special, creative/technical skills to become role models and contribute to the district’s vision of 100% student success.
Call or e-mail Cheyenne Goodale at 727-547-7100 ext. 4620 goodalec@pcsb.org or
Deanna Hobson at 727 547-7100 Extension 4558 or e-mail hobsond@pcsb.org
**Important note for Bus Drivers**
If you have less than 5 years of driving in Florida, please request your driving history.
Out of State DMV Information Out of State DMV
We welcome the selection of our future drivers and assistants who are confident, professional, and patient to contribute to the district’s vision of 100% student success.
To speak with our Talent Acquisition/Recruiter, call 727-547-7185 or email perez-russor@pcsb.org
Enthusiastic Perspective
Pinellas County Employee Dominick Giordano talks about his enthusiastic perspective.