Use a commercial product obtained from your doctor or local drug store that is designed to get rid of head lice.
Be sure to follow the directions carefully. Don't overuse the products. For advice on alternative treatments, consult your medical provider.
Find and remove all eggs (nits) from the hair. (Flea combs used for pets work very well, or you can remove nits by hand).
Check your child's head every day for 2 weeks to be sure no eggs were missed.
Check all members of the family or household and treat only those members affected.
Wash the linens and bedding in hot water and dry thoroughly.
Vacuum carpets, pillows, mattresses, upholstered furniture and car seats.
Place pillows and stuffed animals used by your child into a hot dryer for 10 minutes, or in a tightly closed bag for 2 weeks.
Soak brushes, combs and other hair objects in 130 degree water for at least 10 minutes.