AVID Secondary

  • AVID Secondary is comprised of the AVID elective class and school wide initiatives.  The students in the AVID elective are students in the middle who have a desire to go to college and are willing to work hard.  These students take rigorous courses that are preparing them for college and the AVID elective is an academic support to allow them to be successful.  The school wide component creates a college and career going culture in the school for all students that encompasses high expectations and success for all.

AVID District Directors, 9-12

  • 1.
    • Hannah Graziano
    • Serving Boca Ciega, Countryside, East Lake, Hollins, Largo, Northeast, Seminole, & St. Petersburg HS
    • grazianoh@pcsb.org
    • (727) 588-6595
  • 2.
    • Lauren Drizd
    • Serving Clearwater, Dunedin, Gibbs, Lakewood, Osceola, Palm Harbor, Pinellas Park, & Tarpon Springs HS
    • drizdl@pcsb.org
    • (727) 588-6595

High School AVID Contact

School Website AVID Coordinator AVID Tutor Contact Contact Email
Boca Ciega HS http://www.bocaciega.org Alicia Isaac Andrea Goode GOODEAN@pcsb.org
Clearwater HS https://www.pcsb.org/clearwater-hs Jennifer Jakubzak Jennifer Jakubzak JAKUBZAKJ@pcsb.org
Countryside HS https://www.pcsb.org/countryside-hs Fritzpatrick Saint Louis Fritzpatrick Saint Louis saintlouisf@pcsb.org
Hollins HS https://www.pcsb.org/dixie-hs Jennifer Sinphay Jennifer Sinphay SINPHAYJ@pcsb.org
Dunedin HS https://www.pcsb.org/dunedin-hs Julie Burton Julie Burton burtonju@pcsb.org
East Lake HS https://www.pcsb.org/eastlake-hs Heather Wiseman Heather Wiseman WISEMANH@pcsb.org
Gibbs HS https://www.pcsb.org/gibbs-hs Tamika Bennett Tamika Bennett bennettt@pcsb.org
Lakewood HS https://www.pcsb.org/domain/2599 Chantella Moore Chantella Moore MOORECHA@pcsb.org
Largo HS https://www.pcsb.org/largo-hs Erin Fitzgerald Erin Fitzgerald FITZGERALDE@pcsb.org
Northeast HS https://www.pcsb.org/domain/1376 Libby Taylor Libby Taylor TAYLOREL@pcsb.org
Osceola Fundamental HS https://www.pcsb.org/Page/11488 Elizabeth Weiner Kelly Bayes BAYESK@pcsb.org
Palm Harbor University HS https://www.pcsb.org/Page/9036 Kelly Griffis Kelly Griffis GRIFFISKE@pcsb.org
Pinellas Park HS https://www.pcsb.org/pp-hs Ginger Brengle Ginger Brengle BRENGLEV@pcsb.org
Seminole HS https://www.pcsb.org/seminole-hs Melissa Brandenburg Melissa Brandenburg brandenburgm@pcsb.org
St. Petersburg HS https://www.pcsb.org/stpete-hs Justice Palavra Justice Palavra palavraj@pcsb.org
Tarpon HS https://www.pcsb.org/tarpon-hs Jessica French Jessica French frenchj@pcsb.org