• What You Need to Know:
    Employees of Pinellas County Schools are entitled to a leave of absence from work in accordance with the district's Collective Bargaining Agreements and the Family Medical and Leave Act (FMLA).

    Directions for Requesting a Leave of Absence:
    Employees who are requesting to be absent from work for 10 days or less shall notify their immediate supervisor before the workday begins and follow any additional coverage requirement. If not possible, notification should be made as soon as possible. Employees who are eligible for personal and vacation leave need to have their request pre-approved by the employee supervisor.

    If the employee is requesting a leave of more than 10 days, the employee shall submit their leave request through Employee Self-Service.  Follow the directions below:

    Directions for Leave of Absence on Employee Self-Service.

    If you have any questions about the process, please contact your Human Resource representative listed below.

    Reasons for Leaves:
    The following types of leave may be requested: 

    · Illness of Self

    · Maternity

    · Birth of a Child

    · Care for Child, Spouse, or Parent with a Serious Health Condition

    · Adoption of a Child

    · Military

    · Qualifying Military Leave for family member(s) (26 weeks)

    · Short – Term (30 working days or less)

    · Extended Personal (ex: adoption, childcare, etc.)

    · Professional/Sabbatical Leave/Association

    · Jury or Court Duty

    · Other leave (Political, Union, Peace Corp, Vista, etc.)

    · Workers’ Comp Injury / Illness in Line-of-Duty


    Please refer to the corresponding collective bargaining agreement for additional information.
    Union Contracts - PCTA / PESPA / PBA / SEIU


    1. Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA)
    FMLA entitles eligible employees of covered employers to take unpaid, job-protected leave for specified family and medical reasons with continuation of group health insurance coverage under the same terms and conditions as if the employee had not taken leave. 

    For additional information please click on the following link:
    The Employee's Guide to the Family and Medical Leave Act

    2. Regular Leave
    When in an unpaid status, insurance is at full cost to employee, supporting service positions are held at the discretion of the principal/supervisor after 30 days.

    3. Extended Personal Leave
    Unpaid leave not to exceed one (1) year shall be granted for adoption, childcare, or long-term sick leave.     


    1. Human Resources
    Is responsible for handling leave approvals or denials, extensions, job related questions and processes.  All leave documentation and questions should be submitted to pcsleaves@pcsb.org For additional questions on leaves please contact the following:

    • Traceylee Delaney  delaneytr@pcsb.org  727-588-6289
    • Human Resources Main Phone Number: 727-588-1936

     2. Risk Management and Insurance
    Is responsible for Benefit Administration while on leave – including billing, processing of checks, coverage changes, and assistance with disability, MetLife HIP and other benefit questions as needed. Please call 727-588-6197 to reach the Benefit Team.

    Your Benefits and Leave

    • Leave Billing
    • Insurance Premium/Unpaid/Board Contribution
    • Maternity Leave of Absence
    • The Standard Disability Plan
    • MetLife Hospital Indemnity Plan (HIP)
    • Life Insurance Accelerated Benefit Option
    • Annual Enrollment
    • Disability Retirement Options through the Florida Retirement System
    Click here for additional information about Your Benefits and Leave.