Schedule an Appointment Today!

  • Individual Retirement Appointments Available through the Scheduling Link
    We encourage employees planning to retire this year who need assistance to schedule a one-on-one appointment. The Risk Management Retirement Team is offering individual appointments, including evening hours, for employees who are considering retirement and information gathering, submitting a Regular/Early Service Retirement application, entering DROP, retiring from DROP, submission of retirement Insurance forms, and retiring from the FRS Investment plan.

    Retirement Forms should be submitted through Risk Management approximately 60 days prior to your retirement date. Appointments are available in person or through Teams or Zoom. Notaries will be available, if necessary.

    Please visit the retirement scheduling page to register for an individual appointment with a Retirement Specialist. 

    Should you have any technical difficulties with registration, the link below has directions on how to use the new scheduling system. You may also call the Retirement Team at 727-588-6214, or email for assistance.

    How to Book Appointments - Instructions